The Inqueery Story
I facilitate professional development workshops for sensitivity readers and clients in addition to Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility workshops for businesses, organizations, and individuals. I also teach creative writing workshops for youth and adults. Register for upcoming workshops below!
If you are interested in hiring me to facilitate a professional development workshop, send a message via the contact page or email me at
Authenticity Matters: Sensitivity Readers in Writing and Publishing
Dates: June 22, 2024
Time: 1:00-5:00 pm CST
Location: Online (Zoom)
Hosted by: The Loft
Sensitivity Readers (also called authenticity, diversity, or targeted beta readers) use our lived experience to help writers of all genres create more authentic and respectful portrayals of marginalized identities and communities. Hiring a sensitivity reader can be a meaningful investment in your work. In this workshop, we will deepen our understanding of sensitivity reading as developmental editing beyond public relations and into the complex intersections of craft and activism. We will draw distinctions between sensitivity reading and censorship and address other misconceptions about the profession. We will reflect on our writing projects and identities through interactive exercises and discuss how to tell stories with intentionality and respect. Participants will leave with resources for finding readers appropriate for their works in progress and guidance for how to prepare for sensitivity reader services.
How To Start or Build Your Sensitivity Reader Business
Dates: June 29, 2024
Time: 1:00-5:00 pm CST
Location: Online (Zoom)
Hosted by: The Loft
This workshop is for folks with experiences and identities underrepresented in media who are interested in either becoming a sensitivity reader or for sensitivity readers interested in growing their business and building community. Sensitivity Readers use our lived experience to help writers of all genres create more authentic and respectful portrayals of marginalized identities and communities. Sensitivity Reading can be an accessible and financially lucrative field which emphasizes lived experience over formal or academic training. In this workshop, we will discuss working as a sensitivity reader from the ground up including determining rates, finding clients, and assessing project fit. We will cover client expectations and the ways we can customize our services. We will articulate clear boundaries in acknowledgement of the emotional and intellectual labor inherent in this work. We will expand the conversation beyond books into opportunities for projects across all forms of media. Participants will leave with an action plan for starting or building their business and a resource list.
Past workshops presented at Regis University, [margins.] conference, (W)rites of Passage Guest Author Workshop Series
I facilitate Creative Writing workshops for youth and adults hosted through Lighthouse Writers Workshop in Denver, CO and The Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis . Keep reading for information about upcoming online and in-person workshops.
Youth Creative Writing Workshops
Wild, Weird and Supernatural: Sci-Fi and Fantasy Writing Club
Dates: Monthly sessions meet once a week August-May
Time: 5:00pm - 6:30 pm Mountain Time
Location: Online (Zoom)
Hosted by: Lighthouse Writers Workshop
Let’s see how far our imaginations can take us! This workshop is for students interested in the speculative fiction umbrella, which includes science fiction, fantasy, supernatural, horror, dystopian fiction, and surrealism. Together we'll learn craft elements like building magic and technology systems, writing superhuman and non-human characters, and constructing compelling themes like identity, justice, love, and friendship. We'll use prompts designed to build atypical characters and create inventive worlds. We'll study stories from skilled and diverse writers and apply what we learn from them to our own writing. No matter where you are in the writing process, you'll leave each session with new tools and most importantly, words on the page.
Saturday Writing Studio: Dragons and Fantasy Creatures
Dates: Saturday, May 18th
Time: 10:00-1:00 pm Mountain Time
Location: Online (Zoom)
Hosted by: Lighthouse Writers Workshop
From the heart of the mountain to the vastness of space; dragons are powerful creatures who capture our imaginations. Join us for a special session all about writing dragons and other magical and mythical creatures. Come read and talk about diverse representations of dragons from across the world. Practice writing non-human fantasy characters who can fly, breathe fire, control the elements, grant luck, and use other special abilities. Slip into the minds of friendly and malevolent monsters and imagine the world from their point of view. Participants will craft at least one magical poem, develop or begin writing a Fantasy novel or short story and will have time to share. Everyone who loves or is curious about magical creatures is welcome, no fantasy writing experience necessary!
Summer Camps:
Half-Day Camp: Wild, Weird, And Supernatural - Sci-Fi and Fantasy Camp
Dates: Monday, July 8, 2024 - Friday, July 12, 2024
Time: 9:30am-12:30 pm Mountain Time
Hosted by: Lighthouse Writers Workshop
Let’s see how far our imaginations can take us! This workshop is for writers interested in genres within the speculative fiction umbrella. Genres that ask “what if?” are all welcome including sci-fi, fantasy, supernatural, horror, dystopian fiction, and surrealism. We'll play with prompts to help us build complex and atypical characters and invent fascinating new worlds. We'll also read stories from skilled and diverse writers and apply what we learn from them to our own writing. By week's end writers will complete one short story and/or multiple chapters of a novel-length piece in addition to some visual art.
Half-Day Camp: Wild, Weird, And Supernatural - Sci-Fi and Fantasy Camp
Dates: Monday, July 29, 2024 - Friday, August 02, 2024
Time: 9:30am-12:30 pm Mountain Time
Location: Online (Zoom)
Hosted by: Lighthouse Writers Workshop
It is Better to Speak: Authentic Voice in Workshops and Sensitivity Reading
Presented at [margins.] 2023 Conference in Denver Colorado
Co-presenter Joe Ponce
When we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed. But when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak.” ― Audre Lorde Marginalized writers often struggle to find their voice in the workshop and their place in the publishing industry. We will use antiracist workshop theory, Critical Race Theory, and personal narratives to explore how lived experience provides a unique perspective in writing workshops. Participants will also leave with insights into how to use your voice to create more authentic and respectful portrayals of marginalized people in media as a sensitivity reader.
A map can be as broad as continents on a planet or as specific as the contents of a school locker. No matter their size, maps can help us expand and understand our character's worlds. We will look at a range of maps from books and other media and create three of our own maps using drawing shortcuts. Also, we'll share our maps and discuss what making maps teaches us about our story worlds, plots, and characters. Join us for a week of maps and new stories!
Zines are DIY publications designed to celebrate underrepresented voices. They are as wonderfully diverse as their creators and often combine poetry, illustrations, short stories, essays, personal reflections, photographs and more. Together, we will explore the wonderfully weird world of zine making. We will learn about their roots in early fan-fiction and punk rock and look at a cornucopia’s worth of examples to get an idea of the endless style, layout, and content options. Most importantly, we will talk about how people with oppressed identities and less access to the publishing world tell their stories through zines. Throughout the week, students will create two or more zines of their own and gain the knowledge to keep making zines in the future!